Sunday, November 13, 2005

Why I argued for poetry

There are those in this world who fear me.
There are those who cringe at my name.
There are those in this world who revere me.
I come for them all, all the same.
I was there at life's first beginning,
I'll be there when it comes to an end.
All the time weeding and thinning,
A constant companion and friend.
The seas and the skies are no barrier.
Empires fall at my feet.
Each peasant, each prince, every warrior,
The humble, the proud, the elite.

I am Death! I am Death! do you know me?
Do I dwell in the back of your head?
What sort of face will you show me?
Will you face me with honor or dread?

The universe won't last forever;
One day it will finish its race.
For me there's no "now or never,"
For time always gallops apace.

And when the last breath has been taken,
And when the last pulse has been stilled,
And when the last life is forsaken,
When - in short - everything has been killed,
Then I'll no longer have any duty.
I'll no longer wield the scythe.
There'll be no more art, no more beauty -
No reason to be alive.

And I'll lay down beside creation
For what little time I have left,
And I, too, will know devastation,
For where there's no Life, there's no Death.


Blogger PomLindsay said...

Dan....I love your writing. I wanna use it in a poetry cutting.

12:32 PM  

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